From the Western Maryland's Historical Library Blog
The bookwagon 1905-1910 |
"The first wagon, when finished with shelves on the outside and a place for storage of cases in the center resembled somewhat a cross between a grocer's delivery wagon and the tin peddlers cart of by gone New England days. Filled with an attractive collection of books and drawn by two horses, with Mr. Thomas the janitor both holding the reins and dispensing the books, it started on its travels in April 1905."
...(From On the trail of the book wagon, by Mary Titcomb.)
Enoch Pratt Free Library Book Wagon |
1945 Photograph of the Enoch Pratt Free Library book wagon during a visit to the 1000 block Dallas Street in Baltimore, Maryland. Gathered around this horse-drawn wagon and looking over the books before making a selection are numerous African American children and adults. In the background on this cobblestone street are brick houses with shuttered windows, hanging baskets, window boxes with flowers, and outdoor tables and chairs.
Circulating Library |
Donald McDonald, stationer, and his Circulating Library, Gulgong, 1870-1875, American & Australasian Photographic Company
National Library of Argentina |
Burleigh Library, a storefront branch library in the Milwaukee Public Library System |
Photographed in 1952, this cool Art Deco street front library remained at this location in Milwaukee from 1937 to 1962.
The photograph is from the Milwaukee Public Library, Frank P. Zeidler Humanities Room, and is available on Flickr Commons.
Prunksaal (Hall of Splendors), Hofburg (Vienna, Austria) by Fischer von Erlach, 1723- |
This library is "unusual" in that it is extremely beautiful. Begun in 1723 by Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach and completed by his son Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach, the hall is extremely complex in its decoration, rich in frescos and sculpture, with two levels of bookshelves. This Imperial Library (called the Hofbibliothek until 1918) is now part of the Austrian National Library and holds ancient texts, rare books, maps, music, and much more.
The National Library in Minsk, Belarus...
From an article about the "most amazing" libraries in the world, which includes some fun pictures....